• 5 - Sex and Milk: By Michelle Debbie
    Jan 8 2024

    " He slipped his thumb under the leg of my panties. His eyes burned into mine as he hooked his fingers over the back waistband, dragging them down. I straightened my leg as he drew them down to my ankles..."

    Welcome to Erotic Audio Stories To Get You In The Mood - By MoodCrest for men. Learn more at MoodCrest dot com. Where your experience is totally anonymous and always cost free. This content is for people 18 and over only.

    MoodCrest is specifically designed to help men 40 plus, in committed relationships get prepared for sex with their partner. Of course this involves getting fully erect, but it goes well beyond that.

    If you have not yet listened to episode one, we recommend you check it out before listening to this erotic story. It will enhance your experience. And even if she doesn't know why, your partner will appreciate it too. We promise.

    Episode 5: Sex and Milk: By Michelle Debbie

    This erotic audio story has been edited for audio performance. To read the un-edited version go to MoodCrest dot com. Where you will find links to all of our authors and their original erotic writings.

    It was near 8 o'clock, and the small market I was entering was about to close. Looking back I recall feeling bored, and not particularly sexual as I walked past the handsome 50 something store owner. He smiled at me in a confident, almost arrogant way.
    Walking to the back of the store I found the chill section, which was quite secluded and set out in a sort of square shape.

    The small 1L bottles of milk were on the bottom rack of the chiller cabinet. I bent down to search for what I wanted, the shelf was almost empty, so I had to squat down to reach towards the rear, there wasn't anybody else in the store, so I didn't worry too much about discretion.

    As I leaned forward, my skirt slipped back down my thighs into my lap, dropping behind over my calves, and as I lowered my left knee, raising my right thigh, I inadvertently exposed my panties, stretched against the smoothly rounded curves of my bottom.
    I reached in took a bottle, and as I leaned back, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a movement, unthinkingly I turned on the soles of my feet, my knees opening as I did so.

    The shopkeeper was standing at the edge of the grocery shelving, casually leaning against it, watching me. Clearly, he'd come back to see what I was doing. His gaze travelled down from my face to my knees, admiring my plump vulva as it strained against the soft shiny silk of my gusset.
    The smooth firm sweep of my peach held tightly by the panties, the gusset being narrow, pulled deep into my body creases, sliding in between the round lower cheeks of my bottom, framed by the lace tops of my stockings, and set against the light blue of my slip.

    He half smiled, his eyes dancing as he maintained his gaze at the sight between my thighs, then returning to my face with calm confidence in his expression.
    I saw the lust in them as I felt the desire rise inside me, almost as if he'd willed me to surrender to him.
    There was an unspoken request from him, matched by a wordless invitation and acceptance from me. I leaned my hips to my rear, widening my knees to give him a clearer signal, I pulled my hems back to the top of my legs, the skirt, and slip hanging down at the back forming an inviting backdrop, and gave him a challenging look.

    Without a word, he held his index finger to his lips as he turned.
    Feeling my excitement rising as I heard him go to the door, change the sign to 'closed' pull the roller blind down and reduce the lighting to a lower level.

    He returned, carrying one of the counter sheets used to cover the till area to protect it from dust, dropping it to the floor at our feet.
    I rose slowly to meet him, my skirt falling back into place, making a swishing sound as the heavy material of the ski


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    24 Min.
  • 1 - ABOUT: How To Get The Most Out Of MoodCrest Erotic Audio Stories for Men
    Dec 31 2023

    Welcome to Erotic Audio Stories To Get You In The Mood - By MoodCrest for men. Learn more at MoodCrest dot com. Where your experience is totally anonymous and always cost free.

    This particular MoodCrest podcast is not an erotic audio story.
    This specific podcast is about how to use MoodCrest and get the most out of it. For both you and your partner.

    If you are returning for the 2 Minute Sexual Preparation Meditation, it is at 3 minutes and 20 seconds in this podcast. If you're new to MoodCrest please have a listen. I promise, you'll get more out of your experience, and so will she.

    Although anyone over 18 is welcome to listen, Mood Crest is specifically designed to help men 40 plus, in committed relationships, get properly prepared for sex. Of course this involves getting fully erect, but it goes well beyond that. The goal is to raise your sexual desire to peak levels and increase the entire sexual experience for you, and of course your partner too.

    Why and how setting the MOOD is important. When the goal is not just to raise your sexual desire, but to peak your desire for your actual partner. Visual, video, and written erotica are generally not great choices. Those forms tend to be too engaging and aim your desires toward a fantasy, and away from your real partner. Audio stories, especially when used right are very effective at both inspiring solid erections, and peaking sexual desire toward your partner. MoodCrest stories are written by real people, and mostly women. You will notice the audio is read by an AI, which helps prevent fantasy over engagement.

    At MoodCrest dot com you will also find lots of other helpful information about things like. Who is MoodCrest. Privacy, ours and yours. How to open up to your partner. When to open up to your partner. How to maximize your Viagra experience. How to use less Viagra. Masturbation, the ups and downs. Five simple things you can do to bring her more pleasure. And If you're a woman listening we will cover some ways to bring this up to your man.

    We also strongly recommend that you keep listening and checkout our short mood setting meditation before jumping straight into erotic audio stories. It works very similarly to simple guided meditation.
    The reader for this meditation is a sensual female voice. If you've never meditated before don't worry, this is so simple you'll find your self slipping into it almost immediately.
    First, she will prompt you about what to do with your body. Next you will be guided on how to imagine your partner within the erotic fantasy stories as you listen. The better you become at mood setting, the better your sexual net experience will be. We can promise you she will notice, and love it.

    Let's start by preparing for our meditation. You will want to have an erotic story picked out and ready to go once you have completed this pre-meditation. You will also want to have your space ready. It should be warm, comfortable, and private. Preferably your bed, but other spaces may work too.

    When you are ready, start by removing your clothes. Luxuriate in your warm bed. Feel free to move and stretch. Allowing your mind and body to fully acclimate to your new environment.

    Once you feel acclimated, let's set our breathing to a slower, deep, pace. We want to get into a relaxed, focused, and receptive state.

    Close your eyes and slowly breathe out.

    Imagine your partner. See her looking sexual and desirable. See her looking at you as the object of her desire.

    Slowly breathe in. And continue to control your breathing to a slow and seductive pace while we begin to raise our sexual desire levels.

    See he


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    6 Min.
  • 4 - Julie's Erotic Birthday Surprise; by Julie
    Dec 24 2023

    "Julie felt Bob's hand creep higher up her thigh and was a little surprised to feel another hand rubbing her right knee. Julie opened her knees allowing both hands to stroke and caress the inside of her thighs as she felt her womanhood begin to dampen..."

    Welcome to Erotic Audio Stories To Get You In The Mood - By MoodCrest for men. Learn more at MoodCrest dot com. Where your experience is totally anonymous and always cost free. This content is for people 18 and over only.
    MoodCrest is specifically designed to help men 40 plus, in committed relationships get prepared for sex with their partner. Of course this involves getting fully erect, but it goes well beyond that.
    If you have not yet listened to episode one, we recommend you check it out before listening to this erotic story. It will enhance your experience. And even if she doesn't know why, your partner will appreciate it too. We promise.

    Episode 3 - Julie's Erotic Birthday Surprise; by Julie

    This erotic audio story has been edited for audio performance. To read the un-edited version go to MoodCrest dot com. Where you will find links to all of our authors and their original erotic writings.

    It was a brisk December night, as she picked up her journal, the one from her adult life. She smiled as the memories came flooding back to her. And began to recall past adventures. And of course the incredibly sensual pleasures.
    Flipping open the pages she was reminded of her time with Tony. Before her wild trip to America.
    Turning forward a little more she read the entry "Happy Birthday".

    Bored by her apartment and inspired by her sexually charged past Julie decided to go out, and have an adventure fitting her newly aroused mood.

    As she began to dress for the night a wicked thought came into her mind.

    Removing her underwear she slipped the coat on loving the feel of the quilted lining and then ran her hand across the smooth and supple leather.

    Before doing the coat up she slipped on a pair of grip top stockings and black stiletto shoes.

    The bar she chose was crowded with people getting into the festive Christmas spirit.

    As Julie looked around for a place to sit she spotted a couple in their late thirties sitting at a small table where there was an empty stool.

    Both looked smart and respectable but maybe a little bored with each other's company.

    He was dressed in a casual suit without a tie and still had a good body on him.

    She was dressed in a black cocktail dress with some small sequins, which was a little tight for her generous curves.

    As she neared the table she turned on her most charming smile and asked in a soft voice, "Hi is this seat taken?" The couple eagerly invited Julie to take a seat, obviously welcoming the interruption.

    The couple included Julie in their conversation and they were soon getting on well together chatting about trivial but pleasant things.

    Then, while she was listening to Sue explaining something about what was on TV last night she felt a hand gently stroking her left knee.

    When Sue looked away Julie took the opportunity to flash a quick smile at Bob before Sue turned back to the conversation.

    Julie felt Bob's hand creep higher up her thigh and was a little surprised to feel another hand rubbing her right knee.

    Julie opened her knees allowing both hands to stroke and caress the inside of her thighs as she felt her womanhood begin to dampen as her brain started to think about sex.

    It was obvious by the way the couple carried on the conversation that neither of them knew what the other one was doing, so thinking to herself that the night could turn out to be quite interesting after all,


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    18 Min.
  • 3 - A Train Journey to Ecstasy: By Michelle Debbie.
    Dec 21 2023

    Welcome to Erotic Audio Stories To Get You In The Mood - By MoodCrest. To learn more about what we do, why we do it, and how to get the most out of your experience go to MoodCrest .com

    F-to-M, Public Sex, Mature

    On most of the working days in my second summer holidays I'd take the same tube in the morning and whenever possible.
    I'd sit in the same seat when I could.
    Most mornings I noticed there was an older man, around his late 40's, possibly early 50's well within what I now know to be my preferred age group, he was attractive, average height, clean, dark hair, greying at the temples, and blue eyes.
    He smelled nice, and was reasonably presentable. He would often sit opposite me, he carried a briefcase, so clearly he worked somewhere in the city.
    After a while he started to nod at me as a form of greeting, which I only faintly acknowledged, though I have to admit I liked his attention.

    The underground coaches tend to roll a bit as they travel along, and although I crossed my legs at the ankles, pressing my calves together, my knees would bounce around a bit, parting slightly and then bumping together again, after a few days I noticed he would quite often look at my legs as they moved apart, quickly looking away as he saw that I'd seen his interest, but he was too late, I knew he was looking up my skirt at my underwear, and he had no idea what he was in for over the next five or six weeks, equally, neither did I know what I was in for either.

    From then on, I wore shorter looser skirts, more full and lacier underwear, plenty of frills and patterns on my panties so that a glimpse would be enough to make his heart flutter. I gradually revealed a little more, using the rocking of the carriage as the cover for my inadvertent exhibitions of lingerie.

    One day I got onto the train at my stop, and he was sitting there as usual, I sat in the seat directly opposite him, and I saw him shift his position to get a better view, the train lurched unexpectedly and by knees swung apart a bit more than I usually allowed, he swallowed hard, as he saw the frothy sea of white lacy underwear, and a full unexpurgated view with my peach, this is what I call my vulva, my plump outer labia, that swell in a pair of smooth curves outside my small labia, regardless of whether you look from the front or the back, the shape resembles a sweet, juicy peach, pressing hard against the gusset of my panties.

    There were a few people at the other end of the carriage far enough away not to see anything, he looked around at them to make sure they weren't looking, and shifting his weight again, he reached down and adjusted himself. I could clearly see that he had a fairly big erection, he blushed and smiled at me, but I pretended not to notice, after a few minutes when he had settled, I unthinkingly reached under the hem of my skirt, and adjusted my slip which had tucked under me, folding back on itself and feeling a little uncomfortable to sit on, his eyes opened wide, and he took a deep breath inward, the tube train arrived at my station, and I got off, flicking my skirt up at the back as I did so, revealing a little more lace, and quite a bit of the back of my thighs, as the carriages pulled out of the station, I saw him watching me as it left and I was secretly thrilled to have such an unexpected effect on a mature man.

    On my way home that night, he was on the train as well, it was quite busy.
    So I waited until the seat opposite him was free, moving casually down the carriage and sitting down, accidentally catching my skirt hem with my handbag and pulling it up on the right so he could see my thighs, and the straps of my suspenders, including the lace welt's of the stockings, after a minute or so, I noticed what I had done, I lifted my bottom up, and rearranged it to a more modest appearance, but giving him an extra view of my panties under th


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    24 Min.
  • 2 - Sexual Interlude in a Changing Room: by Michelle Debbie
    Dec 14 2023

    Female to Male, Sex with Strangers, Sex in Public

    "This is a short memoir, because it was a short event, but it was a sexually thrilling one. I've had a few, and sometimes they're the best, quick, frantic, anonymous and deliciously enjoyable."

    MoodCrest provides adult only erotic audio stories to help get you in the mood for sex with your partner. Our primary mission is to help men 40+ in committed relationships get in the mood more effectively. We also welcome anyone to listen. To learn more about MoodCrest and why we do what we do, go to MoodCrest.com. Your sex life is important, we know from experience!



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    13 Min.